Art-full Life

Life is all colourful, with the colour waves being vibrant at places and solubilised in other places. Their intensity varying at places causes the landscapes and contours to be visible. Vision of our eyes, one of the most wonderful evolution step of the nature. Majority of sensations are "learned" through this sense of vision and there are certain events that delude this sense and thereby forming the "Illusion". This blog is a small service to the vision and illusion and an outflow of abstract concepts.
Let the Life be art-ful with colours and aesthetic countours removing the delusion and the illusion perceived by these imperfect senses and thereby leading to the perfection dwelling in nothingness!
LICENSE: The images found in this blog are distributed under Artistic License.

Most of the images are converted to PNG format from the source SVG files. In case if you are interested in the source: (mail to (concat "ramasamy" (concat "@" (concat "phiepsilon" (concat "." "org"))))) [or] ramasamy(at)phiepsilon(dot)org.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

A new kind of fabric

No limits to the translational operations! Lets explore the world of art with all possible simplest operations that could be done. Images could be so simple or so complex, depending on the smaller units. A small quantum fabric(just a try!) with help of sodipodi!

Simple rules, complex outcomes

There exists no complexity without simplicity. Simple rules do create complex outcomes. A gradient'ed circle with a star and few simple rules like Copy, Translate, Flip and Z-Order has been used to produce the image above.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Fuzzyfied one

A fuzzified hexagonal circles, one out of those six circles with smooth gradients would miss the eye, might be due to the coarse one in the middle?? Click on the image to view a bigger version, with increased clarity.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Pentagon, glued to be a Hexagon!

Sometimes, lot of details do break the illusion, some other times, lot of details do provide a high degree of illusion. This is of the first kind.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Symmetry of Hexagonal kind

The image i liked the most. Simplest operations could yield seemingly complex and at the same time appealing geometric figures. Credits to Sodipodi again :)

Count the beads

Lets see how fast you can count the beads in there. A small well known illusion, that resists us from counting faster. The background gradient adds to the depth perspective.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Little more than Symmetry

The biggest one i've tried out. All symmetries inside. But only thing is that the base object used to create symmetry is asymmetrical. An imperfection in a perfection makes it perfect. A click would reveal the actual picture.

Thorn Forest

Life is not so thorny as this :). Thanks to SodiPodi! It can do wonders.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Rather Random, yet Symmetrical.

Again, with sodipodi. Really a handy too. Havent explored the colors yet. Hence everything looks almost in the gray.